目的分析ERG蛋白在各种血管源性肿瘤中的表达,探讨ERG蛋白在血管源性肿瘤诊断中的价值。方法应用免疫组化En Vision法检测30例血管源性肿瘤(血管瘤12例、上皮样血管瘤5例、上皮样血管内皮细胞瘤5例、Kaposi肉瘤3例和血管肉瘤5例)和20例非血管源性肿瘤中ERG和CD31蛋白表达。结果 30例血管源性肿瘤均弥漫性表达ERG和CD31,ERG表达与血管源性肿瘤类型和良恶性无关,ERG表达与CD31表达相一致。20例非血管源性肿瘤中,除1例上皮样肉瘤表达ERG外,其余均不表达ERG。ERG在血管源性肿瘤诊断的敏感性和特异性分别为100%和96.7%。结论 ERG是一种高度敏感和比较特异性的血管源性肿瘤标志物,可与CD31联合应用于血管源性肿瘤诊断和鉴别诊断。
Purpose To study the expression of ERG in various vascular tumors,and to explore the value of ERG in the diagnosis of vascular tumor. Methods Immunohistochemical En Vision method was used to detect the expression of ERG and CD31 in 30 cases of vascular tumor and 20 cases of non-vascular tumor. Results All vascular tumors diffusely expressed ERG and CD31. Expression of ERG was unrelated to tumor histologic type and benign or malignant. Expression of ERG was consistent with CD31. Of 20 non-vascular tumors,all except for one cases of epithelial sarcoma did not express ERG. The sensitivity and specificity of ERG in the diagnosis of vascular tumor were 100% and 96. 7%. Conclusion ERG is a high sensitive and specific marker for vascular-derived tumor. The combinated detection of ERG and CD31 may useful for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of vascular tumor.
Chinese Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology