
白头鹎的体温调节与蒸发失水 被引量:1

Thermoregulation and Evaporative Water Loss in Chinese Bulbuls Pycnonotus sinensis
摘要 采用开放式呼吸测定仪和数字式温度测量仪,在环境温度为5.0~35.0℃范围内,测定8只白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)的体温、代谢产热和蒸发失水(EWL),并计算其热传导等生理生态特征。结果表明,白头鹎的热中性区为25.0~32.0℃;基础代谢率(BMR)为(3.67±0.03)ml/(g·h),是体重预期值的64%。平均最小热传导为(0.15±0.00)ml/(g·h·℃),是体重预期值的124%。蒸发失水与产热的比率(EWL/RMR)在5.0~35.0℃时随着环境温度的升高而升高,在35℃时达到峰值,为0.20±0.01。代谢水和蒸发失水的比率(MWP/EWL)随环境温度上升而下降,在16.4℃时,MWP/EWL为1。这些结果表明,白头鹎具有较低的基础代谢率和高的热传导,蒸发失水在体温调节中占有重要的地位。 Basal metabolic rate( BMR) is thought to be a major hub of physiological mechanisms connecting life history characteristics. Evaporative water loss( EWL) is a physiological indicator used to measure water relations in interor intra-specific studies of birds. In this study,we examined body temperature( Tb),resting metabolic rate( RMR) and EWL at ambient temperatures( Ta) between 5 and 35℃ in summer-acclimatized Chinese bulbul( Pycnonotus sinensis) captured in Wenzhou,in July 2011. Eight animals were transported to the laboratory and caged for 1 week( 50 cm × 30 cm × 20 cm) outdoors under natural photoperiod and temperature. Birds’ metabolic rates were measured with an open-circuit respirometry system( AEI technologies S-3A / I,USA). Birds were exposed to stable temperatures between 5 and 35℃ for at least 1 h prior to measuring oxygen consumption which was recorded at 20-second intervals. Most birds were tested only once per day with at least two days between tests. A few birds were measured more than once per day. These birds wereallowed to equilibrate at the new test temperature for 1 h before the next measurement was made. Every bird was tested at all nine temperatures. Food was removed from the birds’ cages 4 h before each measurement period to minimize the heat increment associated with feeding. A‘U’tube( containing silica gel) was connected in series behind the respiratory chamber and weighed( ± 0. 1 mg). The amount of evaporative water lost by each bird was absorbed by the silica gel and could therefore be measured by reweighing the U tube at the end of the measurement. Statistics analysis was performed using the SPSS statistical package( version 13. 0 for windows).The effect of ambient temperature on body temperature,resting metabolic rate,evaporative water loss,thermal conductance,metabolic water production / evaporative water loss and dry thermal conductance were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA or ANCOVA with body mass as a covariate. Results were reported as Mean ±SE and P 〈 0. 05 was considered statistically significant. We found that mean body temperature was 40. 7 ±0. 1℃( Fig. 1a). The thermal neutral zone( TNZ) was 25. 0- 32. 0℃ and basal metabolic rate was 3. 67 ±0. 03 ml /( g·h)( Fig. 1b). Below the lower critical temperature of the thermal neutral zone,resting metabolic rate increased linearly with decreasing ambient temperature according to the relationship: RMR= 5. 296- 0. 068 Ta. Evaporative water lost increased with ambient temperature according to the relationship: Log LEW= 1. 563 +0. 021 Ta( Fig. 1c),which exceeded metabolic water production at Ta〉 16. 4℃. Thermal conductance was stable from 5 to 20℃,and average thermal conductance within this temperature range was 0. 15 ± 0. 00 ml /( g·h·℃)( Fig. 1d). Dry thermal conductance was also stable from 5 to 20℃,and average dry thermal conductance within this temperature range was 0. 14 ± 0. 00 ml /( g · h ·℃)( Fig. 1e). The ratio of evaporative water loss to metabolic rate( EWL / RMR) was affected significantly by ambient temperature.Between 5 and 35℃,EWL / RMR was positively correlated with ambient temperature and EWL / RMR increased linearly with increasing temperature( Fig. 1f). Metabolic water production / evaporative water loss( MWP /EWL) was also affected significantly by ambient temperature. MWP / EWL decreased exponentially with increasing temperature( Fig. 1g). Chinese bulbuls had a low level of BMR and a high level of thermal conductance,compared with the predicted values based on their body masses,and it also had wide thermal neutral zone. The high evaporative water loss / resting metabolic and metabolic water production / evaporative water loss ratios in the Chinese bulbul suggest that EWL plays an important role in thermoregulation.
出处 《动物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期830-840,共11页 Chinese Journal of Zoology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.31070366 31470472) 浙江省自然科学基金项目(No.LY13C030005) 浙江省"新苗人才计划"项目(No.2014R424032)
关键词 白头鹎 产热 蒸发失水 体温调节 Pycnonotus sinensis Thermogenesis Evaporative water loss Thermoregulation
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