

Integrated Develop Framework for Parallel DSP Software
摘要 论文提出一种面向信号处理应用的并行软件可视化开发框架。首先采用SDF图对信号处理应用进行分析,建立并行信号处理计算软件元模型,使用EBNF范式描述元模型。其次使用Eclispe GMF建模技术构建基于元模型的信号处理并行计算软件可视化建模平台,并实现了图形模型到XML目标模型的解析转换。最后运用实例验证了该框架的有效性。 A visual modeling methodology for the design of parallel computation architecture in signal processing appli- cation is proposed. Firstly, the methodology takes the SDF graphs to analyze the signal processing application and establish the meta-model through the formal method of EBNF. Secondly, a visual modeling platform for signal processing applications is designed and implemented using the eclipse GMF technology. The model interpreter is built for mapping from diagram model to target XML file. At last, the method's availability is verified through a modeling paradigrru
出处 《计算机与数字工程》 2014年第11期2090-2093,2154,共5页 Computer & Digital Engineering
关键词 信号处理 并行 可视化建模 形式化方法 signal processing, parallel, visual modeling, formal method
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