
中美新型大国关系:全球体系与力量转换理论的探究 被引量:2

China-US New Type of Great Power Relationship: Theoretical Analysis of Global Systemic Transformation and Power Shifts
摘要 作为新兴的全球性经济和地缘政治大国,中国对于一些大国而言,不论是在全球体系上,还是在次全球体系(区域)上都是一个政策性的困难抉择。对于如何构建与这些在中国外交总架构中居于"关键"地位的全球性大国的关系,中国新一代政治领导人提出了无论是在国际关系理论上,还是在近现代国际关系实践上都具有创新内容的"新型大国关系"的构想。这一构想在很大程度上是邓小平关于"和平与发展是世界两大主题"论断的逻辑性结果,也是在中国经济和地缘政治实力日益增长的情况下作出的蕴含着中国古代哲学"和而不同"和战略智慧的"不战而屈人之兵"的理性选择。这一构想有助于中国坚定和平发展的崛起新路径,同时也为其他新兴大国共同参与全球体系重塑和世界新秩序的构建打开了便捷之门。新型大国关系的构建有可能使美国在中国经济外交与外交攻势的双重作用下,接受中国的"和平崛起"的理念,弱化视中国为安全与战略"威胁"的观念,从而有利于世界力量的和平转移与全球体系的和平转型。在此层面上,新型大国关系的构想无疑有助于打破人类几千年历史上大国崛起与战争形影相随的宿命,对推动全球力量的和平转移有着深远的意义。 As an emerging global economic and geopolitical power, China has become a difficult policy choice for some powers at both systemic and sub-systemic levels. As a response to the question of how to create China’s relationships with great powers that have been designated as "key factors" in China’s foreign policy framework, the new generation of Chinese political leadership has recently made an initiative of "new type of great power relationship", an innovative perception not only in the IR theory but also in modern diplomatic practice. This perception is, to a large extent, a logical outcome of Deng Xiaoping’s strategic dictum that "Peace and Development are the two major themes of the world". It is also a sensible policy choice based on ancient Chinese philosophy of "harmony but not sameness" and ancient Chinese strategic wisdom of "subduing the enemy without fighting " against the backdrop of China’s exponential rise in economic and geopolitical strength. This perception not only demonstrates the world China’s determination of sticking to the new path of peaceful rise, but opens the door for the participation of other emerging powers in re-shaping global system and building a new world order. Alongside China’s economic diplomacy and diplomatic offensive, the new type of great power relationship may finally persuade the United States to accept China’s peaceful rise and no longer view China as a threat, thus ensuring a peaceful shift of global power and system. In this sense,the initiative of new type of great power relationship is probably helpful in breaking the spell that rising powers always went hand-in-hand with wars and conflicts, which has been witnessed by human history, and promoting a peaceful shift of power at a systemic level.
出处 《战略决策研究》 2014年第6期3-19,共17页 Journal of Strategy and Decision-Making
关键词 新型大国关系 全球体系 力量转换 和平发展 地缘政治新战略 经济外交 new type of great power relationship global system power shift peaceful rise Chinese new geopolitical strategy economic diplomacy
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