Yuanzuo System(Penalty System of Collective Punishment), is an ancient Chinese collective punishment, which the relatives and family members were implicated because one person committed a crime. It was a kind of criminal law system based on family blood relationship and produced related liability. Yuanzuo System (Penalty System of Collective Punishment) was mainly suitable for rebellion, conspiracies, treason and other major crime, which might be harmful for imperial power. If fathers or brothers committed crimes, grandmother, mother, wife, daughter, sister also were implicated by collective punishment, especially married women that was subjected to the father's family’s implication, so did the implication of her husband’s family, she was"a person of the body, inside and outside of the punishment". Punishments of women's implication included public execution, confiscation and to be slaves for meritorious ministers, to exile three miles, etc. In different historical periods of ancient China, the scope of women’s implication had gradually narrowed, punishments gradually were alleviated.
Journal of Dalian University
Familial exterminations
Yuanzuo System
Women’s Yuanzuo System