
基于SPOCs模式的“UML建模工具”课程改革 被引量:8

“UML Modeling Tools" Course Reform Based on SPOCs' Mode
摘要 SPOCs即小规模限制性在线课程,相对于MOOCs说,学生规模小,并且设定了学生的准入条件。更有针对性的教学设计使得SPOCs更有助于提高大学自身的教学质量,而且因其建设成本较低,也更容易开展。在实践中,可以先建设SPOCs,待课程材料和教学组织更为成熟时,再将其发展为MOOCs。"UML建模工具"是软件工程专业的一门专业必修课程,也是理论和实践并重的课程,传授式的教学方式学习效果相对较差,因此借鉴SPOCs的模式进行课程改革,以提高学生的学习兴趣和学习效果。 "SPOCs " is short for Small Private Online Courses. Comparing with MOOCs,they are on a small scale and have students' entry conditions. The teaching design makes SPOCs more useful to improve the university teaching quality because their cost is lower,and they are easier to be carried out. In practice,we can build SPOCs at first,and then develop MOOCs after curriculum materials and the teaching organization have become more mature."UML Tools" is a required major course for software engineering,and both its theory and practice are equally important. The learning effect of applying traditional classroom pedagogy in it is relatively poor. So we propose the course reform by learning from the SPOCs mode,which can improve the students' learning interest and effect.
出处 《教育与教学研究》 2014年第11期73-75,112,共4页 Education and Teaching Research
基金 成都学院(成都大学)2013年重点教学改革立项建设项目"综合性地方本科院校课程质量标准研究"(cdjg2013005) 成都理工大学教育教学研究项目"计算机基础课程教学质量综合评价系统的设计"(XJG1118)
关键词 SPOCs MOOCs UML 课程改革 SPOCs MOOCs UML course reform
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