
类风湿性关节炎IL-17检测的临床应用价值研究 被引量:14

The study aimed at clinical application value about the testing ofrheumatoid arthritis IL-17
摘要 目的研究类风湿性关节炎患者关节液和血清中IL-17的含量与其它非免疫性关节损伤IL-17含量差异性,为探讨RA患者的关节损伤机制提供科学依据。方法应用ELISA方法定量检测40例RA组关节液和血清IL-17的含量;检测40例半月板损伤组关节液和血清IL-17的含量;检测40例正常对照组血清IL-17的含量。应用t检验比较各组间的差异性。结果 RA组中,关节液的IL-17含量明显高于血清中的IL-17含量(P<0.01);RA组关节液中的IL-17含量高于半月板损伤组(病例对照组)关节液中的IL-17含量(P<0.01);血清IL-17定量检测结果显示,RA组明显高于病例对照组和正常对照组(P<0.01);而病例对照组与正常对照组比较,IL-17含量无显著性差异(P>0.05)。结论 RA组关节液和血清中均具有较高的IL-17检测值,证实RA患者体内存在细胞免疫应答异常,IL-17是RA患者关节滑膜损伤的重要因素之一。 Objective In order to provide the scientific evidence for the discussion about the joint injury mechanism of those RA patients,the paper mainly analyzed thedifference of IL-17 content between synovial fluid and serum of those RA patients and other non-immune joint injury.Methods NO.1quantitative determination about 40 cases of IL-17 content from those RA patients' synovial fluid and serum by applying ELISA,NO.2the detection about the IL-17 content of synovial fluid and serum from the patients with meniscus injury;NO.3the detection about the IL-17 content ofsynovial fluid and serum from the normal group;NO.4compare the difference among those groups by T-testing.Results in the RA group,the IL-17 content ofsynovial fluid is obviously higher than in the serum(P〈0.01);the IL-17 content ofsynovial fluid in the RA group is higher than in the meniscus injury group(P〈0.01);according to the testing result about quantitative determination of serum IL-17,RA group is much higher than the case control group and normal group(P〈0.01);there is no obvious difference of IL-17 content between the case control group and normalgroup(P〉0.05);Conclusion there is higher IL-17 content in RA patients' synovial fluid and serum,so it can verify the cellullar immunologic response Abnormalityof those RA patients;in a word,IL-17 is the significant factor of Joint synovial injury.
出处 《中国实验诊断学》 2014年第11期1797-1799,共3页 Chinese Journal of Laboratory Diagnosis
基金 吉林市科技发展计划项目(吉市科社字2008033)
关键词 类风湿性关节炎 白细胞介素17 辅助性T细胞17 rheumatoid arthritis(RA) interleukin 17(IL-17) T helper cell 17(Th17)
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