
基于动力学的分扭传动系统均载特性分析 被引量:3

Load Sharing Characteristic Analysis of a Torque-split Transmission System based on Dynamics
摘要 以提高分扭传动系统的均载性能为目的,采用动力学分析方法研究系统的均载特性。建立了齿轮副特征矩阵和齿轮间耦合刚度矩阵,通过矩阵拼装得到了分扭传动系统的动力学方程。定义了系统均载系数,计算得到直齿轮和人字齿轮的啮合刚度,给出了由于安装误差造成的齿轮啮合时的误差表达式。研究得出:各构件单独存在安装误差时,不同构件对系统均载系数影响不同;各构件同时存在安装误差时,构件间对系统均载系数的影响可能被抵消;两级传动间连接的扭转刚度对系统均载系数影响较大。结果表明,可以通过调节某一构件的安装误差或减小两级传动间连接的扭转刚度提高系统的均载性能。 Dynamics analysis is adopted to study load sharing,so as to promote the load sharing characteristics of a torque-split transmission system.First of all,the feature matrix and the coupling stiffness matrix of gear pairs are set up,the dynamics equations of the torque-split transmission system are obtained through assembly of these matrices.The load sharing coefficient is defined to measure load sharing characteristics.The mesh stiffness of spur gear and herringbone gear is computed.The expression of errors caused by assembly errors are given at the same time.Research results shows that,when each component exist an assembly error independently,the effects on load sharing coefficient of each component differs,when some components exist assembly errors simultaneously,the effects on load sharing coefficient of these components may offset each other,the torsional stiffness of two compound gears has great impact on the load sharing coefficient.It can be concluded that,the load sharing characteristics of a torque-split transmission system can be promoted by adjusting the assembly error of certain component or reducing the torsional stiffness of two compound gears.
出处 《机械传动》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期22-25,35,共5页 Journal of Mechanical Transmission
关键词 分扭传动 均载 动力学 安装误差 扭转刚度 Torque-split transmission Load sharing Dynamics Assembly error Torsional stiffness
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