
奶牛热应激的诊断方法研究 被引量:2

Research on diagnostic method of heat stress in dairy cows
摘要 及时、准确、快速的诊断奶牛热应激状态非常重要,它为及早采取消除或减轻热应激相应的管理措施提供基础支持。对现有的奶牛热应激诊断方法进行研究,归纳为生理生化指标法、行为判别法和环境参数法三大类方法,分析了这三类诊断方法的优缺点,认为现有的奶牛热应激诊断方法诊断周期长、劳动强度大,难于胜任大规模、自动化的现代化奶牛养殖业,而无接触、无损伤、实时化、精确化、自动化监测牲畜的生理和行为反应,如计算机视觉诊断技术等,是现代化畜牧业发展的趋势。 Timely,rapidly and accurately estimates the heat-stress degree of the dairy cows is very important for promptly taking measures of heat stress elimination or reduction.The current heat stress diagnosis methods of dairy cows were researched.It was concluded as Physiological and Biochemical Index Method,Behavior Identifying Method and Enviromental Parameter Method.However,these methods could not meet the requirements for large-scale intensive animal husbandry.The research should focus mainly on noncontact,noninvasive,real-time,precision and automatic measurement technology for monitoring and tracking cows' behavior and physiology signs,such as computer vision technology,which is the future intendancy.
出处 《中国农机化学报》 北大核心 2014年第6期259-262,共4页 Journal of Chinese Agricultural Mechanization
基金 福建省自然科学基金计划资助项目(2010J01272)--基于计算机视觉的泌乳奶牛热应激诊断方法的研究
关键词 奶牛 热应激 计算机视觉 红外热像 cow heat stress computer vision infrared thermography
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