

On Defensive Patent Licensing Strategy for Protection of Open Innovation Community
摘要 阐述了开放式创新社区(OIC)文化价值观与专利制度的冲突,分析了现有专利防御战略及其弊端,提出一个解决OIC专利威胁的新战略———防御型专利许可战略,通过提供一种分布式交叉授权系统,既整合放大现有模式的利益,又有效克服现有模式的局限,帮助开放式创新社区保护自己免受专利诉讼威胁。 The paper expounds the conflicts between cultural values of open innovation community (OIC) and patent system, analyzes existing defensive patent strategies and their drawbacks, and proposes a new strategy to overcome patent threat of OIC, that is defensive patent licensing strategy, through providing a distributed cross licensing system, which not only integrates and augments benefits of existing modes, but also efficiently eliminates their limits, so as to help OIC to protect itself from patent litigation threats.
出处 《情报探索》 2014年第11期69-73,共5页 Information Research
基金 国家社科基金"‘战略-形象’协同视角下国家知识产权形象建设研究"(项目编号:13BGL003)成果
关键词 开放式创新社区 防御型专利许可 专利钓饵 open innovation community (OIC) defensive patent licensing patent trolls
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