
美国对外援助评估机制及启示研究 被引量:5

A Study of the US Evaluation System of its Foreign Aid and its Revelation
摘要 作为战后主要国际援助方之一,通过以美国国际开发署、国务院和千年挑战公司为代表的援助评估机构的实践,一套复杂的美国对外援助评估机制得以建立。绩效评估与影响评估方法的采用,有效性、影响、效率、可持续性、可复制性等评估标准的确立,共同推动了美国援助评估工作的深入发展。但援助目标不清、资金和人员限制、援助方法有限及安全因素等问题则成为美国援助评估机制面临的严峻挑战。美国对外援助评估机制及其特征对当前中国对外援助评估机制的构建,包括援助评估理念的树立、评估机构的建立、评估标准和方法的采用等有重要启示作用。 As one of the chief international donors of the post war era, the US has established a complexevaluation system of its foreign aid based on the practice of the evaluation agencies of the USAID, the State Department and the Millennium Challenge Corporation. As the methods of performance evaluation and impact assessment have been applied as well as the evaluation standards of effectiveness, impact, efficiency and sustainability have been established, they have facilitated the advance of the US evaluation of its foreign aid. Nevertheless, the US evaluation system is confronted with serious challenges posed by lack of clear goals for aid;limited funding, personnel and aid methods; and security factors. The US evaluation system and its characteristics have offered a valuable revelation for the construction of China's evaluation system for her foreign aid, which includes the setting up of evaluation concepts, evaluation agencies, and the evaluation standards and methods.
作者 王新影
出处 《亚非纵横》 2014年第6期25-36,125-126+131,共12页 ASIA & AFRICA REVIEW
基金 作者主持的国家社科基金项目"我国对非援助与贸易和投资的互动关系研究"(12CGJ013)阶段性研究成果
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