
澳大利亚卫生技术评估的应用 被引量:12

The application of health technology assessment in Australia
摘要 卫生技术评估在澳大利亚的发展在全球是成功经验之一。卫生技术评估在药品福利计划中的应用从开始走向成熟,并逐渐应用到其他领域,目前整个过程历经约20年。澳大利亚的成功既有与其他国家的共性之处,也有其独特之处,并且目前仍在摸索不断前进。这也提示了中国需要将国际成功经历本土化,从而达到将卫生技术评估不断发展和深化的作用。 The implementation of health technology assessment in Australia is one of the world’s successful experiences. Health technology assessment in Australia began from pharmaceutical benefit schedule and developed as time went on. Now health technology assessment is applied into more areas,and the whole process is about 20 years. The success has common in characteristics of other countries,however,it has unique characteristic at the same time, and there still exists space for improvement,which also hints that the development of health technology assessment in China needs to learn from international successful experiences and make it localized.
出处 《中国卫生资源》 2014年第6期484-486,共3页 Chinese Health Resources
基金 美国中华医学基金会(CMB)“卫生技术评估和政策制定”资助项目(11-067)
关键词 澳大利亚 卫生技术评估 决策 Australia health technology assessment policy-making
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