

Research on the Definition of Relevant Market in Cloud Computing Industry
摘要 相关市场的界定问题是反垄断法规制垄断协议、滥用市场支配地位、经营者集中等行为的起点。云计算作为新兴的网络产业在网络效应、锁定效应、双边市场等因素综合作用下呈现出来的新特点给传统相关市场的界定带来挑战:网络效应和锁定效应等特殊规律降低了合理的可替代性程度,弱化了需求交叉弹性;市场进入壁垒的地位在云计算产业中相对提升,新型壁垒的作用增强;依托于广泛网络访问基础上云计算服务相关地域市场的界定更为复杂;双边市场的存在和价格因素的弱化使得传统"假定垄断者测试法"失灵。在传统反垄断法相关市场界定理论和实践基础上,结合云计算产业的新特点,引进欧盟的"盈利模式测试法"、美国的"产品性能测试法"等新思路,以期为解决云计算产业相关市场的界定问题有所裨益。 The definition of relevant market is the starting point, when it refers to the regulations of restrictive agreements, abuse of market dominance position and concentrations between undertakings in anti-monopoly law. Comparing with traditional industries,cloud computing industry has some different characteristicssuch as network effects, lock-in effects and two-sided markets. As an emerging network industry, the new characteristics of cloud computing industry have exerted great influence on the definition of relevant market: network effects and lock-in effects lowered the reasonable substitutability and weakened the cross elasticity of demand. The market entry barriers, especially some new barriers, have played more important roles than before in the definition of relevant market of clouding computing industry, due to the extensive network access, the definition of relevant geographic market in cloud computing is more complex. All these factors make the traditional 'hypothetical monopolist test method' failure.Based on the theory and practice of traditional antimonopoly law, in terms of the new features of the cloud computing industry,it'll introduce the 'Profit-based test method' of EU and 'Attribute-based testing method' from American, etc., in order to solve the definition of relevant market in cloud computing industry.
作者 刘佳
机构地区 南开大学法学院
出处 《甘肃行政学院学报》 CSSCI 2014年第5期99-106,129,共8页 Journal of Gansu Administration Institute
基金 司法部国家法治与法学理论研究项目"软件产业支配地位滥用行为的认定及其救济"(09SFB2046)资助
关键词 云计算产业 市场界定 反垄断法 Cloud computing Relevant market Antimonopoly law
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