

Debates on “Resource Curse” Paradox
摘要 "资源诅咒"悖论自提出以来引起了经济学家和政治学家们的广泛兴趣,产生了大量研究文献,得到世界银行等国际组织的广泛承认,但是也遭受着巨大的争议。本文全面回顾了"资源诅咒"悖论提出的历史背景,界定了"资源诅咒"悖论的本质内涵和外延,介绍了"资源诅咒"悖论拥护方和反对方的主要观点,评述了现有研究的不足以及未来研究的方向。本文认为,单纯质疑"资源诅咒"在我国的存在性固然有其学术上的必要性,但是资源型区域经济发展中遇到的可持续增长乏力和生态环境恶化等典型问题是客观存在的。因此,学者们不应该仅仅满足于学术的争论,更不应该对立起来,而应该深入研究我国资源型经济体存在的问题,为实现其可持续发展贡献自己的力量。 The "resource curse" paradox, which roused the interest of economists and political scientists and generated a lot of research literature, has been widely acknowledged by World Bank and other international organizations, but also suffered a huge controversy. Firstly, this paper introduces the historical background of the "resource curse" paradox. Secondly, this pa-per reviews the opinions of support and opposition parties for "resource curse" paradox. Finally, this paper summarizes the deficiencies and future research directions of "resource curse" paradox. This paper argues that the doubt about "resource curse" at the national level is necessity in academic, however, pros and cons scholars should not be satisfied merely academic debate and study deeply domestic resource-based economies in order to realize the sustainable development.
作者 孙永平 方晋
机构地区 湖北经济学院
出处 《湖北经济学院学报》 2014年第6期33-39,共7页 Journal of Hubei University of Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(13CJY041) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目(12YJCZH177)
关键词 自然资源 “资源诅咒” “资源福音” 经济增长 natural resources economic growth
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