分别介绍了采用简单公式和有限元法计算金属拱型波纹屋面结构支座反力、弯曲变形、弯曲应力、失稳时的临界载荷方面的工作 ,以及分析金属拱型波纹屋面稳定性等方面的试验研究工作 .指出了波纹对金属拱型波纹屋面结构的影响 ,即波纹对于结构临界载荷的影响和波纹对于制作过程中的弯曲回弹问题的影响 。
This paper introduce simple equations and a finite element method by which support forces,bend distortion,bend stress of a metal arched ripple roof and the critical load when it lose stabilization can be calculated.The experiment research works of the stability of the metal arched ripple roof is analyzed.The ripple's effect on the metal arched roof--the critical load and the arched rebound are pointed out which is a problem to research.
Journal of Anshan Institute of Iron and Steel Technology