
2014年山东省性病门诊男性就诊者艾滋病哨点监测分析 被引量:4

Sentinel Surveillance on AIDS Among Male Outpatients at STD Clinics,Shandong Province,2014
摘要 目的了解性病门诊男性就诊者艾滋病知识、行为及艾滋病、梅毒、丙肝感染状况,为制定艾滋病干预措施提供依据。方法 2014年4~7月根据全国艾滋病哨点监测实施方案操作手册的要求,对山东省性病门诊男性就诊者进行问卷调查,并采集静脉血进行艾滋病病毒、梅毒、丙肝血清学检测。结果共调查性病门诊男性就诊者6 163人,平均年龄为(33.95±10.71)岁,艾滋病知识知晓率为81.29%。最近3个月,37.98%(2 341/6 163)与暗娼发生过性行为,29.19%(1 799/6 163)与临时性伴发生过性行为,最近1年,调查对象获得过免费安全套发放及艾滋病咨询检测的占28.88%,HIV、梅毒、HCV抗体阳性率分别为0.58%、6.83%、0.21%。结论山东省性病门诊男性就诊者的梅毒感染率较高,接受艾滋病服务率低,应加强对性病门诊男性就诊者健康教育和行为干预,有效控制艾滋病经性途径传播。 Objective To understand AIDS-related knowledge,risk behaviors and the infection status of HIV/syphilis/HCV among male outpatients at STD clinics,so as to provide the basis for taking measures on HIV/AIDS. MethodsAccording to the national AIDS sentinel surveillance standards,the questionnaire survey was conducted among male outpatients and blood samples were taken from them for antibody detection of HIV/syphilis/HCV. Results Totally 6 163 male outpatients were surveyed,the average age of them was(33.95±10.71)years,the awareness rate of AIDS related knowledge was 81.29%.In the last three months,37.98%(2 341/6 163)of the subjects had commercial sex,and 29.19%(1 799/6 163)had temporary sexual partners.In the recent year,28.88% had free access to condom and HIV counseling and testing.The infection rate of HIV,syphilis,HCV was 0.58%,6.83%,and 0.21%respectively. Conclusion The infection rate of syphilis is high and the rate of AIDS service reception is low among male outpatients at STD clinics in Shandong province.It is necessary to strengthen the health education and behavior intervention among male outpatients at STD clinics.
出处 《预防医学论坛》 2014年第11期822-824,共3页 Preventive Medicine Tribune
关键词 性病门诊 男性就诊者 艾滋病 STD clinics Male outpatients AIDS
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