
竖直楔形流道内二维浮力气泡上升的数值模拟 被引量:1

Numerical simulation of a 2-dimensional buoyancy bubble rising in a vertical wedge-shaped channel
摘要 为解决Level Set方法中气泡体积非守恒性以及非正交网格引起的流场数值耗散问题,该文引入体积修正法和窄带重新初始化方法,并结合贴体坐标下的SIMPLE算法首次对楔形流道内气泡的运动机制进行了模拟研究,分析了气泡在竖直楔形流道内上升过程的形态演变,获得了竖直速度、水平速度、气泡纵横比以及气泡倾斜角等参数的变化规律。 Basing on the volume-modified Level Set method used to deal with non conservation of bubble volume and the reinitialization method with narrow band for solving the numerical dissipation caused by mesh nonorthogonality, a Level Set method is used to track a bubble rising in a wedge-shaped channel combining with SIMPLE algorithm on body-fiRed coordinates. As a result, the shapes evolution and changes of parameters, such as vertical velocity, horizontal velocity, aspect ratio and inclining angle of bubble, are studied and analyzed.
出处 《水动力学研究与进展(A辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期565-571,共7页 Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51274116)~~
关键词 楔形流道 贴体坐标 LEVEL SET方法 体积修正法 窄带重新初始化方法 wedge-shaped channel body-fitted coordinates (BFC) Level Set method volume-modified method the reinitialization method with narrow band
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