采用高效液相色谱法测定磷酸肌酸钠及其有关物质的含量,色谱柱为phenomenex Luna HILIC,乙腈-20 mmol·L^-1磷酸氢二铵(pH为7.0)(77∶23)为流动相,流速为0.8 mL·min^-1,检测波长为210 nm,柱温为35℃.结果表明:磷酸肌酸钠与其有关物质肌酸、肌酐在同一检测条件下能够完全分离,磷酸肌酸钠、肌酸、肌酐分别在0.06~2.24(r=0.9999)g·L^-1、0.05~2.10(r=0.9999)g·L^-1和0.05~2.04(r=0.9999)g·L^-1范围内浓度与峰面积呈良好线性关系,其平均回收率分别为磷酸肌酸钠97.8%,肌酸100.4%,肌酐96.1%,RSD分别为1.5%、1.3%、0.7%.该方法操作简便,灵敏度高,专属性强,可用于磷酸肌酸钠及其有关物质的测定.
A method for determination of Sodium phosphocreatine and its related substances was established by HPLC method. The determination was performed on phenomenex Luna HILIC column, acetonitrile-20 mmol/L diam-monium phosphate solution (pH 7. 0) (77∶23) as the mobile phase at a flow rate 0. 8 mL/min. The detection wave-length was 210 nm and the column temperature was 35 ℃. The results showed that sodium phosphocreatine and its re-lated substances could be completely separated under the same test conditions. Good linear relationship between the peak areas and the concentrations of sodium phosphocreatine, creatine and creatinine were 0. 06-2. 24 (r=0. 999 9) g/L, 0. 05-2. 10 (r=0. 999 9) g/L, and 0. 05-2. 04 (r=0. 999 9) g/L, respectively. The average recoveries were 97. 8%(RSD=1. 5%), 100. 4%(RSD=1. 3%), 96. 1%(RSD=0. 7%) respectively. The method was simple, high sensitive, good specialization, and could be used to determine sodium phosphocreatine and related substances.
Journal of Xinyang Normal University(Natural Science Edition)