
对《红楼梦》中冷香丸的研究 被引量:5

Study of Lengxiang Pill in Dream of Red Mansions
摘要 理解《红楼梦》的知识内涵及曹雪芹的思想深度,不仅仅是文学研究的问题,还需要科学技术结合相关专业知识进行挖掘。针对薛宝钗的"胎里热毒无名之病",辨证施治的冷香丸药方非常严谨规范,蕴含深刻的医理、药理学问;方剂的组成、炮制、贮藏、服法、用量和服药时间,都精湛考究,具有很高的医药科技专业水平,关键之处也都得到了现代生理学、药理学的支持。由冷香丸涉及到的中医理论广泛而深刻,包括阴阳、五行、脏象、经络、天文、历法,还有生理学、病理学、中药药理学、方剂学、炮制学等一系列中医药专业学术问题,无一不专业,无一不内行。此外,宝钗之证之情在《红楼梦》中形成很深的脉络,贯穿于前80回之中,其中第28回、第42回题目里藏著暗语。冷香丸方剂中的黄柏和四季之花,象征《红楼梦》中最重要的几个人物,奠定以花喻人的基础,影响整部著作的构思、创意和布局。冷香丸的重要性影响薛宝钗在作品中的地位;在曹雪芹心目中薛宝钗究竟处于什么地位,非常值得研究,关系到如何认识《红楼梦》的主题思想;而分析研究冷香丸能够帮助我们更好地解释这些问题;先有冷香丸,后著《红楼梦》,这种认识是研究《红楼梦》的一个重要途径。 Understanding knowledge content of Dream of Red Mansions and the thought depth of CAO Xue-qin, not only literary studies, but also combines with relevant expertise, and needs to carry out excavation. For XUE Bao-chai's 'nameless disease' syndrome differentiation, the specifications of Lengxiang Pill is very strict. It contains a profound theoretical knowledge in TCM. Prescription composition, processing, storage, method, dosage and medication time, these are exquisite workmanship, and the key points have also been supported by modem physiology, pharmacology. Lengxiang Pill relates to the extensive and profound traditional Chinese medicine theory, including a series of medical professional academic issues yin and yang, Viscera theory, astronomical calendar, Chinese material medica, prescriptions, processing science, etc. These are all professional. In addition, the feeling and syndrome are formed in a deep vein in the Dream of Red Mansions, throughout the first eighty chapter~,;, hiding among twenty-eighth chapter and the subject of the forty-second chapter. The compositions of Lengxiang Pill includes Cortex Phellodendri and flowers in four seasons, represent the most important people in the Dream of Red Mansions, and lay th~ basis for comparing flowers to person, influence the ideas, creativity and layout of whole book. It is worth to study the status of XUE Bao-chai in CAO Xue-qin's mind. It is related to how to understand the theme of 'Dream of Red Mansions'. Analyzing of Lengxiang Pill could help us better understand the status of XUE Bao-chai in the works, and this understanding is an important way in the study of Dream of Red Mansions.
作者 裴雪重
机构地区 北京中医药大学
出处 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期3507-3518,共12页 China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
关键词 红楼梦 薛宝钗 冷香丸 胎毒 喘嗽 黄柏 药剂 炮制 五行 理论 Dream of Red Mansions XUE Bao-chai Lengxiang Pill Taidu Cough and asthma Cortex phellodendri Formula Processing drugs Five elements Theory
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