1427~1518 MHz频段具有良好的传播特性,且有利于IMT系统部署,该频段已成为2015年世界无线电大会(WRC15)AI.1议题IMT候选频段的研究热点。本文以未来在1427~1518 MHz频段内部署IMT系统为前提,对IMT系统与1427~1518 MHz频段内同频的航空遥测(AMT)业务以邻频的卫星移动(MSS)业务开展兼容性分析,通过确定性分析以及Monte Carlo仿真方法得到了共存所需要的隔离度要求,结合预留一定保护带、空间隔离距离以及限制IMT系统带外发射限值等手段,证实IMT与已有业务能够实现无干扰共存。
Because of good transmission feature and advantage on the IMT deployment,1427—1518 MHz band has become the hot can-didate band under WRC-15 AI1.1 issue. Through deterministic analysis and Montel Carlo method,the co-channel coexistence analysis of IMT and aircraft telemetry(AMT)and adjacent coexistence analysis of IMT and Satel ite mobile service(MSS)has been done,to get coexistence isolation requirements.With the combination methods of reserving some guard bands,dis-tance seperation and out-of-band emission limit,it shows that IMT system can coexist with the existing services with no in-terference.
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