
“结构让我得到快感”:论《欧米伽点》与电影 被引量:9

“Structure Is Something I Take Pleasure in”: Don DeL illo's Point Omega and Film
摘要 德里罗的《欧米伽点》是一部以电影为核心叙事元素,旨在分析电影、拟写电影的叙事文本。本文援引叙事学的相关理论并结合德里罗本人关于电影叙事的著述,着力从3个方面来解读该部作品:1)在叙事形式上,考察"小说被电影包围,电影被小说打断"的夹心叙事结构;2)以荧幕内外的故事世界为参照,辨析隐匿于作品深处的二元对立,尤其是生活与艺术之间的竞争;3)以《欧米伽点》为分析个案,兼及其相关作品中的电影叙事手法,考察德里罗本人的电影叙事观,破解德里罗"使小说保持生命"的符码,即优秀的作品需要优秀作家和优秀读者的共同冒险。 Don DeL illo's Point Omega is a novel that analyzes and imitates film. In light of narratology and DeL illo's own theory of film and fiction,this paper attempts to explore this work at three levels. Firstly,it investigates the novel's embedded narrative structure,in which the fiction is framed by the film. Secondly,it delineates and examines a set of binary-oppositions in the novel by comparing the story worlds inside and outside the film. Thirdly,with regard to DeL illo's own theory of film and fiction,and the cinematic narrative techniques employed in Point Omega and in other works,it decodes DeL illo's secret of keeping'fiction alive' —the risks taken both by the best writer and by the best reader.
作者 尚必武
出处 《解放军外国语学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期140-148,157,共9页 Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages
基金 上海交通大学外国语学院学术创新项目(TS0120114001) 浙江省本科院校中青年学科带头人学术攀登项目(PD2013166) 浙江省社科联重点课题(2012Z72) 浙江省教育厅课题(Y201223385)
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