

Evaluation of Metrology Algorithm for Journals Ranking
摘要 学术期刊在传播新知识和认证科学功绩上起到了日益重要的作用,因此在评价学术出版物时,对期刊的排序是非常必要的。文章对期刊排序计量学算法影响因子和h指数进行了简单的评价,评价结果表明:影响因子和h指数都在一定程度上反映了期刊的学术水平,但都各有其弊端,为了更全面客观地评价期刊,应采用多种指标相结合的方法对学术期刊进行评价,提高评价的准确性和可靠性。 Academic journals have played an increasing important role in both dissemination of new knowledge and the certification of scientific merit, so journals ranking is very necessary for journals evaluation. A simple assess- ment for impact factor and dynamic h - index is conducted in this article. The results show that impact factor and h - index reflect the academic level of journals to some extent, but they all have drawbacks. For a more comprehen- sive and objective evaluation of journals, methods of combining variety of indicators should be used to evaluate aca-demic journals, in order to improve the accuracy and reliability of the evaluation.
出处 《湖北文理学院学报》 2014年第10期82-84,共3页 Journal of Hubei University of Arts and Science
关键词 期刊排序 影响因子 动态h指数 Journals ranking Impact factor Dynamic h- index
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