The genetic diversity of 3 Deutzia baroniana populations from Shandong Province was studied by sequence- related amplified polymorphism( SRAP).The main research results were as follows.Two hundred and forty four loci were identified with 15 SRAP primer combinations,and in which,167 were polymorphic ones.The proportion of polymorphic loci( PPL) was 68.44%.The Nei's gene diversity index( H) was0.2158,and Shannon's information index( I) was 0.3282,which showed rich genetic diversity in Deutzia baroniana.The coefficient of genetic differentiation( Gst) was 0.3685,which suggested that the variation among populations occupied only 36.85% and was much lower than that in populations.At the level of populations,Laoshan population contained the highest genetic diversity,while Culaishan population had the lowest.The Nei's genetic identity( GI) and genetic distance( GD) between populations were 0.8350 - 0.8884 and0.1184 - 0.1803 respectively,and the genetic distance between populations was not directly related to geographical location.
Shandong Agricultural Sciences