

Study on the nutritional requirements for energy and protein in Laiwu black goat during the growing and fattening periods
摘要 为了研究莱芜黑山羊生长育成期能量蛋白质的营养需要量,试验采用饲养试验和消化试验设计,将48只体重为(12.00±2.15)kg的生长育成期莱芜黑山羔羊平均分为3组,每组2个重复(公、母各为1个重复),每个重复8只,参考中国肉羊(2004)饲养标准饲喂不同的试验日粮,使山羊目标日增重分别为150 g/d、100 g/d、50 g/d。结果表明:在本试验条件下,随着进食日粮营养成分的增加,生长期的莱芜黑山羔羊对日粮干物质(DM)、粗蛋白(CP)、总能(GE)的表观消化率呈现降低趋势(P>0.05),羔羊体增重呈现增加趋势(P>0.05),饲料转化效率相差不明显(P>0.05),但都能够很好地利用日粮中的蛋白质和能量。公羊表现的一些特征优于母羊,包括日粮营养成分的消化率、饲料转化率、体增重速度、蛋白质利用性、能氮平衡性等(P<0.05)。生长期的莱芜黑山羔羊干物质进食量(DMI)、粗蛋白进食量(CPI)、总能进食量(GEI)、消化能进食量(DEI)与羊的代谢体重(W0.75)、日增重(ADG)的回归关系模型分别为DMI=76.784W0.75+3.212ADG-139.191(r2=0.965),CPI=15.112W0.75+0.653ADG-85.359(r2=0.896),GEI=1.412W0.75+0.047ADG-2.606(r2=0.875),DEI=0.119W0.75+0.095ADG-1.759(r2=0.912)。说明公母应尽早合理分群,生长育成期莱芜黑山羊的日增重可能达不到150 g/d。 To study the nutritional requirements for energy and protein in Laiwu black goat during the growing and fattening periods,the design of feeding experiment and digesting test were used in the test. 48 Laiwu black lambs with the body weight of ( 12.00 ~ 2.15 ) kg during the growing and fattening periods, were divided into 3 groups with 2 replicates of 8 lambs each ( male and female each for a replicate). Each group was fed different experimental diets to make the target average daily gain reach 150 g/d, 100 g/d and 50 g/d respectively, through referring to the feeding standard for meat - producing sheep and goat, which was published in 2004 by China' s Ministry of Agriculture. The results showed that under the conditions of this experiment, the apparent digestibility of dry matter ( DM ) , crude protein (CP) , gross energy (GE) presented a decreasing trend (P 〉 O. 05 ) in the Laiwu black lambs during the growing period with the increase of dietary nutrient intake; the body weight gain of lamb presented a increasing trend ( P 〉 0.05 ) , and there were no significant differences ( P 〉 0.05 ) in the feed conversion efficiency, but all groups were able to utilize dietary protein and energy well. Some features of the rams were stronger ( P 〈 0.05) than those of the ewes, including dietary nutrient digestibility, feed conversion efficiency, speed of body weight gain, protein utilization, energy - nitrogen balance, and so on. The regression models of dry matter intake ( DMI ) ( g/d ) , crude protein intake (CPI) ( g/d ) , gross energy intake (GEI ) (MJ/kg) ,digestible energy intake (DE1) (MJ/kg) and W0.75 ( kg), average daily gain (ADG) (g/d) for Laiwu black lamb, were DMI = 76.784W^0.75 + 3. 212ADG - 139. 191 (r^2 = 0. 965) , CPI = 15. 112 W^0.75 + 0. 653ADG - 85. 359 (r2 = 0. 896), GEI= 1. 412W^0.75 + 0. 047 ADG - 2. 606 ( rE = 0. 875 ) , DEI = 0. l 19 W^0.75 + 0. 095 ADG - 1. 759 ( r^2 = 0.912 ), respectively. The results indicate that male and fe- male lambs should be grouping earlier,the ADG of Laiwu black goat during the growing and fattening periods may not be up to 150 g/do
出处 《黑龙江畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第12期32-36,共5页 Heilongjiang Animal Science And veterinary Medicine
基金 山东省现代农业产业技术体系羊产业创新团队项目(SDAIT-09-011-05)
关键词 莱芜黑山羊 生长期 能量 蛋白质 需要量 Laiwu black goat growing period energy protein requirements
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