对于具有往复运动特征的电液伺服系统 ,由于存在很强的非线性 ,依靠模型分析、求解将是十分复杂的。本文提出了一种基于Fourier级数的无模型的电液伺服系统轨迹跟踪控制算法 ,该算法将轨迹跟踪问题在Fourier空间转化为调节器问题 ,并给出了控制器的详细设计及系统的稳定性分析 ,最后给出控制器在注塑机上的实际应用 ,实验结果表明该方法对改善注塑机动模的运动特性有较好的效果。
A model - free tracking control scheme based on Fourier series for electro - hydraulic servo systems ispresented in this paper. Since the dynamic model of a e1ectro - hydraulic system is extremely difficult to obtain, we onlyuse information of the computed input voltage and the measured output position. The tracking control problem can betransformed as regulaion problems in Fourier space. The details of the controller design and stability analysis are presented in this paper. The conboller has been implemented on a plastic injection molding machine to control the positinof the mo1d supporting movable mold. The experiment results show that the proposed controller can improve the per-formance significantly.\;
Machine Tool & Hydraulics
国家自然科学基金资助 (编号 5 9975 0 33)