模块化设计可以构造出许多符合客户需求的各种产品 ,并且能降低产品的成本。本文首先分析公理性设计方法 ,在其基础上提出了基于信息依赖的设计结构矩阵进行模块化的协调设计。两种方法的综合应用 ,使设计者不仅能从不同的域认识产品的结构 ,而且也能通过单独的一个域描述产品 。
Modularizing design can construct many products which may meet the need of different tasks,italso can reduce the cost of the products.This artcle analyzes the axiomatic design method in the first,then the author put forward the designing structure matrix which is base information and can be used to put upthe modeling coordinate design.Though combining the two method together and putting them into practice, thedesigner can not only understand the products' structure from different fields, but also can describe. a^productfrom a^single region.So the formed module is more measonable and the qtality of it is enhanced.\;
Machine Tool & Hydraulics
国家自然科学基金<集成化企业产品策划和概念设计的关键共性问题研究> (批准号 5 9975 0 89)