在现代自动控制领域,物体的定位与识别中常使用大量专用的传感器设备,但基于摄像头的颜色识别控制具有特殊的价值。本文中所实现的系统采用Samsung Exynos4412Cortex-A9四核处理器作为摄像头设备的控制器,对采集到的图像数据进行快速处理之后,将控制指令发送给STM32控制模块,通过相应的指令确认和数据流校验之后将指令通过nRF模块发送给接收小车,来控制小车群的运动。设备测试结果表明,摄像头采集到的颜色数据足以区别不同小车,且各功能模块运行稳定,实现了集群控制小车的各项功能。
At present,the functions of position and recognition are based on large number of special sensors in the field of modern auto-matic control,but the usage of camera has a special effect.The design uses the quad-core processor Exynos4412 Cortex-A9 chip of Sam-sung to control the USB camera to collect images of the car fleet.The Cortex-A9 chip sends the control instructions to the STM32 mod-ule after handling these image data,then these orders will be checked and sent to smart car through nRF module to control the car group movement.The test results show that the color data collected by the camera can distinguish different cars and these function modules run in good working state.The function of the system reaches the expected design goal.
Microcontrollers & Embedded Systems