目的:观察成人根尖诱导成形术后根尖封闭类型及相关因素。方法:选择根尖闭合不全伴慢性根尖周炎的成人患牙50例,用Metapex糊剂进行根尖诱导成形术,至根尖完全封闭后进行永久根充。并以同颌同名牙为对照,分别将发病年龄、根尖发育程度、病变时间与术后根尖封闭类型进行Spearman秩相关统计分析。结果:成人根尖诱导成形术后牙根发育情况均与同颌同名牙不一致,根尖发育占20%(Frank Ⅱ型),根尖不发育伴根尖硬组织封闭占70%(Frank Ⅲ型),根尖封闭类型与病变时间呈正相关,与发病年龄、根尖发育程度呈负相关。结论:成人根尖诱导成形术根尖多不继续发育,仅有根尖部硬组织封闭;发病年龄越大、根尖发育越好(平行或内聚状),病程越短,术后效果越好。
AIM: To observe the root apical type and related factors in adults after apexification. METHODS: 50 teeth with root apex dysgenesis and chronic apical periodontitis were treated by apexification with Metapex until apex closure. The root canals were then filled. Same teeth in another site of the same jaw served as the controls. Data including age,development of root apex,time of chronic apical periodontitis and root apical type were analyzed by rank correlation. RESULTS: 20% of root apex were Frank Ⅱ and 70% were Frank Ⅲ in apexification group,which was different from that in the control group. Root apical type was positively correlated with the time of chronic apical periodontitis,but were negatively correlated with age and development of root apex. CONCLUSION: The root apex does not develop after apexification in adults,only apical barrier can be formed.
Chinese Journal of Conservative Dentistry