研究了大轴重铁路货车车轴用LZ45CrV钢的高温力学性能、应力-应变、冷却速度对组织的影响以及静态力学性能.结果表明:LZ45CrV钢AC1为782℃、AC3为846℃;LZ45CrV钢在800℃ ~ 1200℃温度范围内无脆性区,热变形过程中仅发生加工硬化及动态回复,不发生动态再结晶,应变强化效应随着温度的降低无明显变化;冷却速度对LZ45CrV钢组织影响较大;LZ45CrV钢经860℃正火+600℃回火处理后,钢的强韧性能匹配良好.
The high temperature mechanical properties of LZ45CrV steel for the axle of heavy axleload railway freight ear are studied, together with its stress - strain, the influence of cooling speed on its mi- erostructure and its static mechanical properties. Testing results indicate that AC1 of LZ45CrV steel oc- curs at 782℃ , while AC3 happens at 846℃ ; there' s no brittle zone in the steel at the temperature ran- ging from 800℃ to 1200℃ , only work hardening and dynamic recovery occur during the thermal deforma- tion process without dynamic recrystallization, and the strain strengthening effect doesn' t change with temperature reduction ; the cooling speed generates large influence on the microstructure; after 860℃ nor- malizing and 600℃ tempering treatment, the toughness of LZ45CrV steel matches well.
Locomotive & Rolling Stock Technology