
2010-2013年丰都县三峡库区居民早死亡分析 被引量:2

Analysis on early death among residents living in Three Gorges area,Fengdu county from 2010 to 2013
摘要 目的了解三峡库区监测点居民早死亡的死亡水平、死因构成及顺位分布状况,为制定三峡库区人群健康保护相关政策提供科学依据。方法对2010-2013年丰都县三峡库区监测点居民60岁前死亡的所有病例采用国际疾病分类标准(ICD-10)进行统计分析,计算其死亡率、标化死亡率、死因构成、顺位及人群分布等。结果 2010-2013年丰都县三峡库区监测点居民早死亡共982例,占全死因的25.75%,粗死亡率为209.66/10万,标化死亡率为200.58/10万,男性早死亡率高于女性,差异有统计学意义(χ^2=119.86,P〈0.01)。早死亡的死因顺位前5位依次是肿瘤、伤害、循环系统疾病、传染病和寄生虫病、呼吸系统疾病,占早死亡的89.91%。在年龄组分布中,0-4岁组以围生期疾病、伤害和先天性畸形为主,5-14岁组以伤害为主,15-59岁组以肿瘤为主。具体疾病死因顺位前5位依次是肺癌、肝癌、脑血管病、机动车交通事故、淹死;女性第5位与第11位死因分别是乳腺癌与宫颈癌。结论丰都县三峡库区监测点居民早死亡发生率高,肿瘤、伤害、循环系统疾病是导致早死亡的前三位死因,慢性病与伤害的预防控制应得到高度重视,同时应加强三峡库区妇幼保健工作,减少围生期疾病导致的早死亡。 Objective To understand the mortality, proportion and sequence of the early death cause among residents living in Three Gorges area, and provide the scientific evidence for formulating the policy related to the health in Three Gorges Area.Methods The cases of resident died before 60 years old among residents living in three gorges area, Fengdu county from2010 to 2013 were collected. The data were categorized by international classification of disease(ICD-10) and counted the crude death rate, standardized mortality, proportion, sequence and distribution of death cause. Results A total of 982 cases died before 60 years old from 2010 to 2013 in Three Gorges Area, Fengdu county were analyzed. The proportion of early death was 25.75% of all death cases. The crude death rate and standardized death rate was 209.66 / 100 000 and 200.58 / 100 000,respectively. The proportion of early death among male residents was significantly higher than that of female residents(χ^2=119.86,P 0.01). The top five death causes was tumor, injury, circulatory system diseases, infectious and parasitic diseases, and respiratory system disease, which accounted for 89.91%. The top three death causes in the group aged from 0 to 4 years old were perinatal disease, injury and congenital malformation. The major death causes was injury from 5 to 14 years old. The first death cause in the group aged from 15 to 59 years old was tumor. The top five diseases of death cause was lung cancer, liver cancer, cerebral vascular disease, traffic accident and drowned. The fifth and eleventh death causes among female residents were breast cancer and cervical cancer, respectively. Conclusion The rate of early death was high in Three Gorges Area,Fengdu county. The top three causes were tumor, injury and circulatory system diseases. Chronic non-communicable disease and injury prevention and control should be taken seriously. In the meantime, to enhance maternal and child health care in Three Gorges Area can lower the perinatal mortality rate.
出处 《热带医学杂志》 CAS 2014年第10期1354-1357,共4页 Journal of Tropical Medicine
关键词 三峡库区 早死亡 死因顺位 伤害 肿瘤 Three Gorges Area early death sequence of death cause injury cancer
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