目的探讨计算机辅助设计和制作系统制作全解剖形态氧化锆冠(全锆冠)修复后牙牙体缺损的即刻修复质量和短期疗效。方法选取36例后牙牙体缺损患者,使用计算机辅助设计和制作系统,制作40颗全锆冠,修复后即刻及1年采用改良的美国牙科协会评价标准对修复体进行评价,对患者进行满意度调查。结果 40例修复体1次戴牙成功率达100%,戴牙后1年患者满意率为100%。结论全解剖形态氧化锆冠短期疗效确切,可以作为后牙牙体缺损的有效修复方案。
Objective To restore the posterior defection with full-contour zirconia crowns made by CAD/CAM system and to explore their instant qualities and short-term assessment. Methods Thirty-six patients with posterior tooth-defec- tion were selected to accept the full-contour zirconia crown restoration. All the 40 crowns were designed and fabricated in CAD/CAM system and milled out of Wieland Zenostm- zirconia blocks, and cemented with composite luting agents. The restorations were assessed using the modified assessment standard of American Dental Association after the operation and one year. The patients were recalled after one year, and received satisfaction survey. Results None of the 40 restoration was failed during the observation period; the satisfaction rate was 100%. Conclusion The full-contour zirconia crowns tabricated with CAD/CAM system could gain good result in restoring posterior defection.
Journal of Dental Prevention and Treatment