
罗夏测验的情结激活效应 被引量:1

Rorschach Inkblot Method' s activation effect on complex
摘要 目的:探讨罗夏测验材料的情绪感受属性及情结激活特点。方法:研究1选取216名大学生,使用三维情感量表(PAD)来测量罗夏测验的外显感受属性;研究2选取115名大学生,使用单类内隐联想测验(SCIAT)测量罗夏测验的内隐感受属性;研究3选取52名大学生,使用MP150多导生理信号记录仪测量罗夏测验引起的生理反应指标。结果:PAD评定发现,有7张罗夏测验图片包含的典型意象的愉悦度为负值[(-0.7±1.3)、(-0.1±1.6)、(-0.8±1.3)、(-0.3±1.3)、(-0.6±1.3)、(-0.2±1.3)、(-0.0±1.3)];SCIAT评定显示,被试在不相容任务中的反应时大于其在相容任务中的反应时[(575.6±47.3)ms vs.(544.4±106.3)ms],普遍将罗夏测验图片意象与消极属性相连接,存在IAT效应[F(1,113)=7.17,P=0.009,η2=0.060]。使用M P150多导生理信号记录仪测量发现,罗夏图片皮肤电均值大于负性图片皮肤电均值(P<0.001),罗夏图片心率均值大于负性图片心率均值(P<0.001)。结论:罗夏图片更能激发被试的消极感受以及与之相关联的同质的情结表现,具有激活情结的鲜明特点。 Objective: To explore the Rorschach Inkblot Method(RIM)'s characteristics of activating complex and its value of applying to clinical practice. Method: In research 1,216 college students were selected and assessed with the Pleasure-Arousal-Dominance Questionnaire(PAD) to evaluate the characteristics of RIM's explicit feelings. In research 2,115 college students were selected and assessed with the Single Category Implicit Association Test(SC-IAT) to evaluate the characteristics of RIM's implicit feelings. In the third research, 52 college students were selected and measured with the Multiple Physiological Signal Recorder(MP150) to evaluate the physiological reactions aroused by RIM. Results: The PAD scores showed that the pleasure degree of typical images contained by- RIM pictures was negative [( -0.7 ± 1.3), ( -0. 1 ± 1.6), ( -0. 8 ±1.3), ( -0. 3 ± 1.3), ( -0.6 ± 1.3), ( -0. 2 ±1. 3), ( -0. 0 ± 1.3)] ; the results from SC-IAT indicated a significant implicit effects, in other words, the reaction time of completing incompatible tasks was longer than that of completing compatible tasks[ F(1, 113) --7. 17, P =0. 009, η2 = 0. 060], generally connecting Rorschach images with negative attributes. Under the assessment of MP150, RIM picturesskin conductance and heart rate were higher than that of negative pictures(P 〈0. 001). Con.. clusion: The pictures of Rorschach Inkblot Method could activate more negative feelings and relevantly consubstan.. tial complex manifestations, having the evident characteristic of activating complex.
出处 《中国心理卫生杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期853-858,共6页 Chinese Mental Health Journal
基金 广东省哲学社会科学"十二五"规划项目(GD13CXL01) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(14YJC190003)
关键词 罗夏测验 情结激活 单类内隐联想测验 生理指标 心理学 实验 Rorschach Inkblot Method (RIM) activating complex Single Category Implicit AssociationTest(SCIAT) physiological indexes psychology, experimental
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