
微创骨增量技术修复颌骨良性病灶术后骨缺损临床观察 被引量:2

Clinical Study of a Calcium Sulfate( Stimulan) on Bone Defects After the Minimally Invasive Operation for Jaw Benign Lesion
摘要 目的评价应用硫酸钙骨粉(粒)(Stimulan)修复颌骨良性病灶微创手术后骨缺损的修复效果。方法回顾分析微创硫酸钙骨粉(粒)填塞颌骨良性病灶术后骨腔患者25例的临床资料和应用经验。颌骨良性病灶刮治术后,将硫酸钙骨粉(粒)直接填入骨腔,恢复正常外形后,表面覆盖明胶海绵,再将粘骨膜瓣复位,严密缝合。结果本组25例,术后切口Ⅰ期愈合,口腔颌面部外型及牙槽形态正常,牙齿稳固,咬合关系正常,咀嚼功能良好。术后3-6个月X线片追踪观察,填充腔骨质形成均良好,有骨降解和骨替代现象发生,缺损区骨密度增高明显,有较多的新骨小梁修复,患牙保存好。结论颌骨良性病灶术后,应用微创硫酸钙骨粉(粒)充填骨缺损区,引导或诱导骨组织的功能再生性愈合,是一种理想的颌骨骨缺损组织再生修复材料;且手术操作简便、易行,保留了受累牙齿,保持了颌面部及牙弓的正常形态和功能,值得临床推广应用。 Objective To evaluate the efficacy and side effects of calcium sulfate (Stimulan) in the treatment of the benign lesion defect after minimally invasive excision of jaw. Methods We retrospectively analyzed clinical data and application experience of 25 cases of bone cavity treated with calcium sulfate powder packing jaw benign lesion after operation. After curettage of jaw benign lesions, the calcium sulfate was directly filled into the bone cavity, the shape of the jaw was recovery to normal,covered with gelatin sponge on the surface,reduced the mueoperiosteal flap,and then tightly sutured. Results 25 cases in this group got primary healing incision normal morphology of oral and maxillofacial appearance and alyeolar, solid teeth,normal occlusion and good masticatory function. The mean following-up was range 3-6 months. Cavity bone formation was filling good with tile occurrence of bone degradation and bone substitute phenomenon. The bone density was increased significantly with new trabecular bone repaired and preserved teeth well. Conclusion Application of calcium sulfate for filling the bone defect area of maxillary benign lesion after operation can guide or induce the function regeneration of the bone tissue to heal. It is an ideal tisgue regeneration and repair materials for bone defect. The operation is simple and easy. This method retains the involved teeth,maintains the normal shape and function of jaw facial and dental arch and is worthy of clinical popularization and application.
出处 《创伤与急危重病医学》 2014年第6期372-374,共3页 Trauma and Critical Care Medicine
基金 佛山市头颈疾病诊疗科研创新平台项目(2013AG10012)
关键词 颌骨缺损 硫酸钙 微创技术 骨再生 jaw defect calcium sulfate minimally invasive osteogenesis
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