

A Way to Prevent Optical Interference of Multi-projector Display System
摘要 360°全封闭式多投影显示系统中,为了减少各投影画面出现光线多次漫反射相互干扰,采用基于数字图像处理技术的校正方法对帧缓存的图像进行预处理,通过分析光干扰前后投影图像像素值的变化,建立帧缓存图像、光干扰前投影图像、光干扰后投影图像这三者之间的模型关系,得出预处理校正方案。经过实验证明,该技术对由封闭式多投影显示系统光干扰造成的图像对比度降低是可行的,且得到了很好的效果。 In the 360° fully enclosed multi-projection display system, in order to reduce the interference between projections by light diffuse reflection from projection screen, correction scheme based on digital image processing technology is used to prepro-cess the image of frame buffer. Correction scheme by proprocessing is enforced by analysing the difference between pre-interfer-ence and pro-interference image, then the model relationship among the image of frame buffer, the image of pre-interference pro-jection and the image of pro-interference projection image is established. Proved by the experiment, the technology has good effect on solving the problem of image contrast droped by light interference in totally closed multi-projection display system.
出处 《计算机与现代化》 2014年第11期53-56,共4页 Computer and Modernization
基金 国家863计划资助项目(2012AA011804)
关键词 封闭 多投影 漫反射 光干扰 close multi-projection diffuse reflection optical interference
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