Current fluctuation in electronic systems has been extensively studied due to the fact that they can pro- vide further information of charge transport compared to the conventional conductance measurements. Shot noise is the non-equilibrium electrical fluctuation due to the discrete nature of carriers flowing through a device, reflecting correlation effects. A well-known shot noise power density as uncorrelated charge trans- mission is S - 2el, with I the average current. This Poissonian shot noise can be observed in sys- tems with a single tunnel barrier. Positive or neg- ative correlations between charged particles, induced by the Coulomb interaction and the Pauli exclusion principle, can enhance or suppress shot noise from the Poissonian value. Numerous experimental and the- oretical studies of the shot noise in mesoseopie sys- tems have been carried out on various devices such as self-assembled quantum dots, resonant tunnel- ing diodes,molecular junction devices, quan- tum point contacts,semiconductor quantum dots, and metal atomic chains. Externally driven exci- tations which affect shot noise properties were also investigated.
Current fluctuation in electronic systems has been extensively studied due to the fact that they can pro- vide further information of charge transport compared to the conventional conductance measurements. Shot noise is the non-equilibrium electrical fluctuation due to the discrete nature of carriers flowing through a device, reflecting correlation effects. A well-known shot noise power density as uncorrelated charge trans- mission is S - 2el, with I the average current. This Poissonian shot noise can be observed in sys- tems with a single tunnel barrier. Positive or neg- ative correlations between charged particles, induced by the Coulomb interaction and the Pauli exclusion principle, can enhance or suppress shot noise from the Poissonian value. Numerous experimental and the- oretical studies of the shot noise in mesoseopie sys- tems have been carried out on various devices such as self-assembled quantum dots, resonant tunnel- ing diodes,molecular junction devices, quan- tum point contacts,semiconductor quantum dots, and metal atomic chains. Externally driven exci- tations which affect shot noise properties were also investigated.