
大宗交易:学术期刊采购危机的“对策”与“推手” 被引量:8

Big Deal:From Countermeasures against to the Motivation for Academic Serials Crisis
摘要 大宗交易是国外电子学术期刊的主要销售模式,它是为解决图书馆采购经费不足而被创造出来的,其出现也确实缓解了图书馆采购学术期刊的困境。但大宗交易并没有从根本上解决造成学术期刊采购危机的各种固有矛盾,反而引起了新的矛盾,并在数年后成为因图书馆被迫退出大宗交易而引发的新一轮学术期刊采购危机的主要推手。尽管图书馆界和学术界为此采取了若干措施,但要彻底解除学术期刊采购危机还需要寻求更有效的措施。 Big deal, the main sales model of electronic academic serials in foreign countries, was created as a countermeasures against academic serials crisis, which really alleviated the dilemma of foreign libraries in pur- chasing academic serials. However, it didn' t solve the inherent contradictions that had caused academic jour- nals crisis, and on the contrary, it caused some new conflicts in purchasing academic serials. So a few years later when libraries were forced to withdraw from big deals, big deal became the main motivation for new aca- demic serials crisis. Although librarians and academia have taken some measures to cope with new academic serials crisis, but it needs to seek more effective measures to completely remove the academic serials crisis. 16 refs.
作者 王春生
出处 《国家图书馆学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期47-52,共6页 Journal of The National Library of China
关键词 图书馆 电子期刊 大宗交易 学术期刊采购危机 Libraries E-Journal Big Deal Academic Serials Crisis
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