Spending time in Sirena's upstairs loft area, one could be forgiven for thinking he or she had walked onto the set of WesAnderson's 2004 movie The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou. The cozy Beijing cat cafe's interior decoration is best described as "nautical kitsch," carrying a color motif of whites coupled with shades of blue and aquamarine. Downstairs, a giant mobile featuring silver fish overhangs the interior of the front door. Upstairs, the wall to the immediate left is adorned with faded want- ed posters of characters from pirate-themed anime One Piece and on the opposite wall are hung photographs of Mediterranean villas.
Beijing’s cat caféindustry is proving itself more than up to scratch Spending time in Sirena’s upstairs loft area,one could be forgiven for thinking he or she had walked onto the set of Wes Anderson’s 2004 movie The Life Aquatic WithSteve Zissou.The cozy Beijing cat café’s interior decoration is best described as"nautical kitsch,"carrying a color motif of whites coupled