
欠驱动灵巧手机构设计 被引量:2

Mechanism design of underactuated dexterous hand
摘要 设计了欠驱动灵巧手的机械结构。在分析人手的特点以及现有欠驱动灵巧手机构设计上存在的缺点,设计了灵巧手机构原理模型,并在此基础上设计了3关节、4自由度的欠驱动机械手结构,包含手指基座传动机构、掌骨关节指段、近掌骨关节指段、远掌骨关节指段,在3个电机驱动下,各关节指段通过腱绳实现运动与力的传递;对机构的运动学进行了分析,并绘出了指间的运动空间;利用ADAMS对动力传动机构、关节转矩进行了仿真,仿真结果表明,手指基座的传动精度较高,且关节在运动过程中力矩变化不大。 In this paper, mechanism of underactuated dexterous hand is designed. Based on analyzing the characteristics of the hand and shortcomings of existing underactuated dexterous hand, model of underactuated dexterous hand structure is established, the mechanism, with three joints and four degrees of freedom, which includes transmission mechanism of finger pedestal, digital segments of metacarpal joint, digital segments of proximal metacarpal joint, digital segments of distal metacarpal joint, is designed. Driven by three motors, ev- ery digital segments of metacarpal joint implement transmission of motion and force by its ropes. The motion space of fingers is drawn according to kinematics analysis, the transmission mechanism and the joint torque are simulated by using ADAMS, the simulation results shows that the mechanism has higher transmission precision and the joint torque hardly changes in the process of movement.
出处 《重型机械》 2014年第6期9-13,共5页 Heavy Machinery
基金 教育部博士点基金资助项目(20110061120033) 吉林省自然科学基金资助项目(201115153) 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(201210190001)
关键词 欠驱动灵巧手 机构设计 运动学方程 动力学仿真 underactuated dexterous hand mechanism design kinematics equation dynamics simulation
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