

Survey on epidemic situation of recessive infection of HFMD in healthy children and adults in Ping Dingshan,2013
摘要 目的了解平顶山市健康人群中肠道病毒的隐性感染情况。方法在平顶山市选择手足口病发病率高发地区汝州市,开展健康人群感染状况调查。在2013年采集100例儿童及成人的粪便和咽拭子标本,分4个年龄组,0~3岁、3~7岁、7~16岁、成人组,用实时荧光PCR进行肠道病毒核酸检测。结果合计检测100人次的标本中,阳性21人次,健康人群肠道病毒隐性感染阳性率达21.00%。结论在我市健康人群中肠道病毒隐性感染情况比较普遍。3~7岁儿童为主要感染人群,通常引起手足口病的CA16和EV71亚型的隐性感染在健康人群中较为少见。 Objective To study the prevalence of enterovirus inapparent infection about HFMD among health population in PingDingshan city.Methods Make an investigation in Ruzhou country which was the high incidence.100 persons which contained the dejecta and the throat swab samples were involved. The groups were 0 to 3 years old,3 to7 years old, 7 to 16 years old, and up 18 years old.The methods of test was used the technique of RT-PCR. Results Among 100 healthy people,the inapparent infection rate was 21%. Conclusion The inapparent infection of enterovirus is relatively common in the health people of the PingDingshan city.The main inapparent infection population were 3 to 7 years old children.The inapparent infection rates of EV71 and CoxA16 were low in healthy people.
出处 《河南预防医学杂志》 2014年第6期502-503,506,共3页 Henan Journal of Preventive Medicine
关键词 肠道病毒 手足口 隐性感染 Hand foot and mouth disease Enterovirus Silentinfection
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