
不同压力作用下太湖蓝藻气囊体积分数及上浮特性研究 被引量:7

Volume Fraction of Gas Vesicle and Floating Characteristics of Cyanobacteria in Taihu Lake Under Different Pressures
摘要 为了探明不同压力作用后蓝藻气囊体积变化规律及其上浮特性,分别采用压力毛细管法和图像分析法测定了不同压力作用后铜绿微囊藻气囊破裂情况及残余气囊体积分数,以及压力作用后气囊恢复生长情况.结果表明,采用图像分析法测得太湖蓝藻经0、0.3、0.4、0.5、0.6、0.7 MPa加压后,藻细胞内的气囊体积分数分别为29.52%、5.73%、4.43%、2.71%、2.46%、2.19%,传统的压力毛细管法测得的气囊体积分数为10.93%、1.14%、0.90%、0.27%、0.14%、0.04%.作用压力大于0.4 MPa时,蓝藻因气囊破裂而下沉,沉淀蓝藻经过一段时间培养后气囊逐步恢复,部分藻类再上浮,在1000 lx光照度、25℃条件下培养8、24、48 h后,藻细胞再生气囊占加压前气囊总体积的比例为31.02%、45.68%、81.05%.图像分析法较准确地测定了蓝藻气囊体积,而传统的压力毛细管法测定蓝藻气囊体积偏小. In order to ascertain the volumetric change of gas vesicles in cyanobacteria and the floating characteristics,capillary pressure method and image analysis method were used to study burst situation and remanent volume fraction of gas vesicles in cyanobacteria under different pressures. The reform situation after pressuring was also analyzed in this research. The results showed that the volume fraction of gas vesicles in Taihu Lake were 29. 52%,5. 73%,4. 43%,2. 71%,2. 46%,2. 19% under 0 MPa,0. 3 MPa,0. 4 MPa,0. 5 MPa,0. 6 MPa,0. 7 MPa determined by the image analysis,and were 10. 93%,1. 14%,0. 90%,0. 27%,0. 14%,0. 04%determined by the capillary pressure method; cyanobacteria sank due to the gas vesicles' bursting when the pressure was greater than0. 4 MPa. Gas vesicles and structure after pressure were reformed with the lapse of time,under 1 000 lx,25℃,after 8 h,24 h,48 h,the reformed gas vesicles accounted for 31. 02%,45. 68%,81. 05% of total gas vesicles before pressuring. Image analysis method is more accurate in the determination for cyanobacteria gas vesicles' volume,while the volume is smaller measured by traditional capillary pressure method.
出处 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期2974-2979,共6页 Environmental Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51178408) 扬州市"绿扬金凤计划"项目
关键词 蓝藻 压力 光照 时间 气囊 上浮 cyanobacteria pressure illumination intensity time gas vesicle floating
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