目前,在无线网络研究领域,为无线网状网络(WMN)设计一个完善的路由协议是现在的研究热点之一。无线网状网络(WMN)与Ad hoc网络有许多共同属性,尤其是在它结点的静态特性方面,无线网状网络(WMN)有自己一些独特的特征,其相邻结点间的跳数保持不变。无线网状网络(WMN)的静态特性结构所需的网络协议更注重链接质量而不是跳数,因此论文以动态源路由协议(DSR)为基础来检测链路链接的质量,同也考虑了单个链接延迟的影响因素,将协议的量度方式由跳数改为链接质量。
Designing an optimum routing protocol for Wireless Mesh Networks (WMN) is an active research question among researchers in the wireless networks field. WMN share many features similar to Ad hoc networks, but they also have their own characteristics; especially the static nature of their nodes. The Static nature of the nodes in WMN demands a protocol which takes link quality into account rather than the hop count. Therefore, we took Dynamic Source Routing Protocol (DSR) as our base routing protocol and changed its metric from hop-count to link quality. To judge link quality of a wireless link, we took latency into account for each link.
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