
悬吊法体能训练的应用价值及其前瞻性分析 被引量:3

Analysis of the Application Value and the Forward- looking to the S-E-T
摘要 通过文献资料法,阐释了悬吊训练的生物力学原理,分析了悬吊法体能训练的应用价值、应用现状,指出了其存在的主要现实问题,并对该训练方法的前景进行展望。结果:悬吊法体能训练是一种新兴的体能训练方法,1)其在提高运动员躯干核心稳定性、平衡能力,改善协调控制能力,促进运动员专项能力发展等方面发挥了重要作用;2)初步应用于足球、跳水、武术、风浪板等技能主导类的运动项目之中,有望广泛应用于技能主导类的运动项目和体能主导类需要提高核心稳定性、平衡能力,改善控制能力的运动项目之中;3)从运动康复领域逐步应用于运动损伤的治疗领域;4)其在对训练方法的选择、训练理论的深度研究、训练强度的安排、测量评价体系等方面还存在不足。 Interpretation the mechanics principle of it's training site, analyses the application value and application situation of the S-E-T, pointed out its main practical problems , and look into the future of the training method outlook.Conclusion:S -E -T is a new kind of fitness training methods , 1 ) Played an important role in improving trunk core stability, balance, coordinated control , special athletic of the athletes; 2 ) Preliminary applied in the skilled sports, such as:football, diving, Wushu, Windsurfing etc.Is expected to be widely applied in the skilled sports and in the sports that need to improving trunk core stability , balance, coordinated control , special athletic of the athletes;3) From the sports field of rehabilitation and gradually applied to the field of sports injury treatment;4) There is deficient in the choice of methods , the depth of the theory research , arrangement of training intensity , measurement appraisal system .
作者 钱亮
出处 《体育科技文献通报》 2014年第8期39-41,46,共4页 Bulletin of Sport Science & Technology
关键词 体能训练 悬吊训练法 应用价值 S-E-T application value forward-looking
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