
低温胁迫下枇杷幼果转录组的De novo组装和功能注释 被引量:12

De novo assembly and functional annotation of the loquat young fruit transcriptome under chilling stress
摘要 【目的】分析低温胁迫下枇杷幼果的转录组,以探讨幼果冻害的分子基础,为深入鉴定枇杷果实生长发育、抗寒性基因和抗寒蛋白提供资料。【方法】以花后75d的"大五星"枇杷幼果为试材,研究低温胁迫(3℃条件下处理12h)下幼果转录组的De novo组装和功能注释,并对其进行生物学信息分析,探索基因表达差异。【结果】低温胁迫下枇杷幼果通过De novo组装产生116 723条contigs,并应用Illumina高能量测序技术得到64 814条unigenes,其中有42 830条被nr、KEGG、COG、GO注释。此外,组装和注释了4 017个枇杷幼果在低温胁迫下表达的差异基因。【结论】发现在枇杷低温耐性中起重要作用的油菜素甾醇生物合成和磷脂酰肌醇信号系统的基因表达上调。 【Objective】The ranscriptome of loquat young fruit under low temperature stress was analyzed to explore the molecular basis of fruit freezing injury and to provide resource for the identification of specific genes and proteins involving in loquat development,function and low temperature resistance.【Method】Using young fruits 75 days after full bloom of the‘Dawuxing'cultivar as experimental material,the transcriptome of loquat young fruits under low temperature stress(12hour at 3℃)was assembled by De novo assembly and annotated.Its biological information analysis was conducted and the difference in gene expression was investigated.【Result】De novo assembly generated 116 723 contigs,and 64 814 unigenes were obtained using Illumina sequencing technology.42 830 unigenes were annotated by nr,KEGG,COG and GO datasets.In addition,the gene expression profiles of loquat fruits under low temperature stress were analyzed and 4 017 differential expressed genes were assembled and annotated.【Conclusion】Unigenes involving in the brassinosteroid biosynthesis and phosphatidylinositol signaling system were up-regulated under low temperature stress.
出处 《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期138-146,共9页 Journal of Northwest A&F University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家农业科技成果转化项目(2010GB2F000408)
关键词 枇杷幼果 低温胁迫 转录组 Illumina测序 loquat young fruit low temperature stress transcriptome Illumina sequencing
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