CSerialPort类是一个常见且优秀的对串口进行读写操作的C++类。利用该类可以很方便地开发串口读写应用程序,而无需直接调用复杂的Windows API函数。在具体应用时,CSerialPort类存在不能进行二进制数据写入、多串口操作不能正常关闭以及利用USB转RS232时数据不能写入的漏洞,对漏洞进行详细分析,提出修正办法。
CSerialPort class is a common and outstanding C + + communication class for com-port communication. The use of this class makes developing application programs for corn-port communication much easier, without complex Windows A- PIs. However, there are still bugs, like binary data cannot be written into corn-port, multiple corn -ports cannot be closed normally and data cannot be written to corn -port via USB-RS232 method in particular applications. The paper makes de- tailed analysis on these bugs and puts forward fixing methods.
Journal of Military Transportation University