TDF1作为MYB家族的转录因子,参与了胼胝质的降解过程,并控制绒毡层的分化从而影响着花粉粒的正常发育.以一株通过甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱变Col-0野生型拟南芥获得的温敏雄性不育突变体atms1(ambient temperature-sensory male sterility1)对温度敏感机制进行了研究.通过构建TDF1反义RNA表达载体,在atms1突变体背景下抑制TDF1的表达来观察突变体花粉育性的变化,发现在27℃时的atms1突变体花粉的育性得以恢复.这一结果表明在花粉发育的过程中TDF1对ATMS1m具有一定的调控作用.
TDF1 is a transcription factor of MYB family. It is involved in the process of callose degradation and regulating the ta- petum differentiation, thus affecting the normal development of pollen. This paper investigates the temperature - sensitive mecha- nism of an Arabidopsis male sterile mutant atms1 ( ambient temperature - sensory male steilityl ) obtained by screening in the progeny generations of wild- type Col -0 mutagenized by EMS. TDF1 Antisense RNA vector was introduced into atmsl back- ground to inhibit the expression of TDF1 to observe the changes of atmsl mutant pollen fertility. We found that the fertility was re- stored at 27 ℃. The results show that TDF1 may have regulatory effects on ATMS1m in the process of pollen development.
Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Natural Sciences)