

Algorithm of Resource Equilibrium Based on Introduced in Task Security Function Fractal Dimension
摘要 资源负载均衡是提高云计算资源调度效率的重要因素,为提高云计算中任务调度的效率,减少执行时间,针对传统的资源均衡算法在没有考虑到云计算环境下的资源节点安全性因素,复杂度高,效果不好的问题,提出一种引入安全性函数分形维特征重组的资源均衡算法。建立任务调度策略及资源均衡模型,构造任务调度所需要时间、费用、可靠性等方面的因素进行特征描述,对负载资源信息流的分形维信息特征提取,通过分层化状态重组,实现对资源负载的均衡处理,得到负载目标函数,提高任务处理效率。实验结果表明,该算法进行Cloud Sim平台下的负载云计算任务调度和负载资源均衡,能有效节省任务执行时间,降低计算开销,执行效率优越于其它算法。 Resource load balancing is an important factor to improve the cloud computing resource scheduling efficiency, inorder to improve the efficiency of cloud computing task scheduling, and reduce execution time, the and solve the problem oftraditional method. An improved resource equilibrium algorithm is proposed based on the security function of fractal dimen-sion of restructuring, establish task scheduling strategy and resource equilibrium model, structure of task scheduling time,expense, characterizing factors reliability etc are calculated, based on the extraction of fractal dimension characteristics ofinformation resources load information flow, through the hierarchical state restructuring, a balanced treatment on resourceload is achieved, the load function is obtained, the task processing efficiency is improved. The experimental results showthat, the algorithm performs of task scheduling and load cloud resource is better on the platform of CloudSim, the effectivelyof the task execution is improved. The computation overhead is reduced, so the execution efficiency is superior to other algo-rithms.
作者 刘小园
出处 《科技通报》 北大核心 2014年第12期88-90,共3页 Bulletin of Science and Technology
基金 2013年度广东省高等职业教育教学改革立项项目(20130301064)
关键词 分形维 安全形函数 云计算 调度均衡 fractal dimension security function cloud computing scheduling equilibrium
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