Research on virtual prosthesis regeneration simulation method. Leg structure is relatively complex, incomplete re.generation process need to be done according to the different leg incomplete root parts direction and Angle prediction, butthe Angle of the leg and the growth direction inference process too little information, caused the traditional virtual leg dis.ability regeneration simulation can't get enough information, can only based on simple upward, Angle of rotation commandcomplete regeneration leg simulation, virtual simulation result is bad. To this end, this paper proposes a simulation methodbased on intelligent visual prosthesis virtual regeneration. Related theory, based on error quaternion state transform to virtu.al regenerative direction and the rotation Angle prosthesis for effective prediction, so as to provide accurate basis for simula.tion of regeneration of prosthesis. According to the binocular measuring 3 d simulation method, to establish the three-di.mensional model simulation of regeneration prosthesis. The experimental results show that the algorithm presented in thispaper for prosthetic virtual regeneration simulation, can the real reflect the correlation of different location of the residuallimb feature points, which provide the basis for the prosthetic virtual regeneration surgery.
Bulletin of Science and Technology
intelligent vision
virtual prosthesis
angle prediction