
面向产品族演化的零件选择方法 被引量:2

Selection Method of Parts in Product Family Evolution
摘要 针对在产品族结构为适应出现的多样化需求过程中选择和改进零件的问题,提出了面向产品族演化的零件选择方法。分别分析了零件的通用性(C)、零件对性能的敏感度(S)和零件对新出现市场需求特征的匹配度(M);定义和建立了产品族零件CSM耦合空间模型,基于模糊C均值(FCM)聚类方法对CSM耦合空间中的零件进行聚类并计算各聚类中心的当量距离。在此基础上,分析确定各类零件等级,将满足阈值条件的类型确定为零件选择域并确定零件的改进创新对象。最后以轮式装载机工作装置产品族零件选择为例,验证了该方法的有效性。 In order to solute the problems of selection and improvement of parts when the product family architecture to adapt to the diverse needs, the selection method of parts in product family evolution was proposed herein. The Commonality ( C) of parts, and the Sensitivity ( S) of the part-s performance and the Matching degree of demand characteristics for parts were analyzed respectively. The parts CSM couple space model in product family was defined and established, the clustering method based on fuzzy C-means ( FCM) for parts was used in CSM coupling space of parts and the equivalent distance of the cluster centers were calculated. On this basis, the levels of all parts were determined and then the parts selection domains meeting the threshold were determined and further validated the parts of improvement object. Finally, the wheel loader-s manipulator product family as an example was employed to dem-onstrate the feasibility of the proposed method.
作者 王浩伦
出处 《机床与液压》 北大核心 2014年第23期20-24,共5页 Machine Tool & Hydraulics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51165007 70772093) 江西省教育厅科技研究项目(GJJ13313)
关键词 产品族结构 演化 零件选择 轮装工作装置 Product family architecture Evolution Parts selection Wheel loader&#39 s manipulator
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