
广东省2013年疟疾疫情流行病学分析 被引量:19

Epidemiological analysis of malaria infection in Guangdong Province in 2013
摘要 目的分析2013年广东省疟疾流行特点,为全省消除疟疾提供参考依据。方法资料来自中国疾病预防控制中心疾病监测信息报告管理系统,采用描述性流行病学方法,分析2013年广东省网络报告疟疾病例的流行病学特点。结果 2013年广东省本省疟疾疫情的病例为106例、全部为输入性病例,其中间日疟17例,恶性疟79例,三日疟2例,卵形疟8例;死亡病例1例,疟疾年发病率为0.1001/10万。全省15个地级市中的38个县(市、区)有疟疾报告病例,深圳(28例)和广州(26例)共报告疟病例54例,占全省总数的50.94%(54/106);全省6个地级市和83个县(市、区)无疟疾病例报告。全年各月均有病例报告,无明显季节性。男女性别比为14.14:1(χ2=23.841,P〈0.05)。年龄分布主要集中在20-40岁,共有101例,占总报告病例数的95.28‐(101/106),年龄最小16岁,最大60岁。以商业服务、工人、家务及待业和农民这四类人员为主,共有57例,占总数的53.77%(57/106)。2013年广东省报告疟疾149例(包括106例本省籍和43例外省籍和外国籍人士)显示,全部为输入性病例,疟疾病例主要输入来源为非洲和亚洲,分别为133例和11例,分别占总发病数的89.26%和7.38%,其余洲输入5例,占3.36%;输入疟疾病例最多的国家为加纳(29例)、占19.46%,其次为喀麦隆17例、占11.41%,第三是尼日利亚16例、占10.74%。结论 2013年广东省疟疾疫情相对稳定,但是2013年的输入性疟疾病例比2012年的输入性疟疾病例多,应该加强输入性疟疾的监测和防控,特别是应该加强对劳务输出人员的健康教育和回国人员监测管理。 Objective To analyze the prevalent features of malaria in Guangdong Province in 2013 so as to provide theevidence for elimination of malaria in Guangdong Province. Methods The data from the Disease Reporting InformationSystem of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention were analyzed with the descriptive epidemiological method.Results A total of 106 malaria cases were reported in Guangdong Province in 2013, with an annual mean incidence of0.1001/100 000 and all of them were imported cases. There was 17 PIasmodium vivax malaria cases, 79 Plasmodiumalciparum malaria cases, 2 Plasmodium malariae malaria cases and 8 Plasmodium ovale malaria cases. There were 1 deathcases. Malaria cases were reported in 38 counties/cities/districts of 15 prefecture-level cities in the whole province. No malariacases were reported in 6 prefecture-level cities and 83 counties/cities/districts in whole province. Totally 54 cases werereported in Guangzhou and Shenzhen accounted for 50.94%(54/106) of total cases in Guangdong. Malaria cases were reportedevery month in the whole year without seasonal peaks. The ratio of male to female cases was 14.14:1 (X2=23.841,P〈0.05). Onehundred and one cases (95.28%,101/106) were in age group of 20-40 years. The youngest patient was 16 years old and theeldest one was 60 years old. Most of the cases were commercial service clerks, workers, household workers/unemployees andfarmers( 53.77% ,57/106). In 2013, a total of 149 malaria cases were found in Guangdong(including 106 cases of this provinceand 43 cases of other province or other countries). One hundred and thirty-three cases were imported from Africa and 17 casesfrom Asia accounted for 89.26% and 7.38%. And 5 cases were imported from other regions (3.36%). The number of importedcases from Ghana, Cameroon and Nigeria in Mrica were 29 , 17 and 16 cases accounted for 19.46%,11.41% and 10.74%.Conclusion Malaria epidemic in Guangdong province in 2013 was relatively stable, but the number of imported malariacases was more than that in 2012.Thus the surveillance, prevention and control of imported malaria cases, especially themanagement of the returnees of labor service abroad and malaria health education be strengthened.
出处 《中国热带医学》 CAS 2014年第11期1351-1354,共4页 China Tropical Medicine
关键词 疟疾 流行病学 分析 Malaria Epidemiology Analysis
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