
国际进口食品安全管理的主要经验及对我国的启示 被引量:9

The international experience on import food safety management and the enlightenment to China
摘要 本文分析了国际组织进口食品安全管理的基本原则,总结了发达国家进口食品安全管理的主要经验,并提出了优化我国进口食品安全管理体系的四个关键措施,包括理清进口食品生产经营者的主体责任和政府部门的监管责任、建立基于风险的进口食品查验制度、强化进口食品的源头管理、健全进口食品后续管理制度。 The article analyses the basic principles of international organizations on imported food safety management,and summarizes the main experiences of developed countries. Four key measures are suggested to improve China's imported food management system,including clearly defining the primary responsibilities of business operators for managing the food safety and the supervision responsibility of competent authorities,developing the imported food inspection programme based on risk,enhancing supervision on the origin of imported food,and perfecting the follow-up management system after importation.
出处 《中国食品卫生杂志》 北大核心 2014年第6期584-587,共4页 Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene
基金 国家质检总局科技计划项目(2012IK152 2014IK108)
关键词 进口食品 国际原则 监督管理 主要措施 制度 Imported food international principle supervision and administration key measures system
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